
BElla TravElla

DO β€’ LIFE β€’ NOW

...Because happiness really is a journey! xXx



Latest Blogs


Beautiful Barbados
January 2019

From the powdery white sand and turqiouse ocean, to the beautiful Bajan people... Find out what makes Barbados so special for me!

Stunning pictures of my Barbados hidden gem and the top Barbados beaches...according to the locals!

Plus my being 'Buff in Barbados' workout tips. 

Sensational st lucia
February 2019

Because sensational really is the word! From the stunning scenery... (see for yourself),  to the world famous Pitons, St Lucia is unique!

Explore my hidden gem experiences and the trinket I picked up along the way!  

Featuring "Core!...look at them abs"- Shaping up in St Lucia, my favourite core exercises. For strengthing those abs!

24 Hours in new york city
October 2018

24 little hours around the BIG apple!

What to do to make the most of your time in New York!


Fitness and Well-being

"Nobody said it would be easy...they just promised it would be worth it!" ~ Anonymous

So many places to see, so little time to...exercise!?

...There is always time to work on you!

explore my easy to follow fitness sessions, from around the globe! 

The Image Cella-10.jpg


Ever wondered what modelling is really like?

Wanted to get in to modelling!?

My passion for photography led me to modelling... I loved it and learnt sooo much along the way!

Here I share with you some Top Tips from my experiences!

Find out the truth... from the glamours of the job to the ...well... not so glamourous bits! 

Featured in the gallery:

  • Znapps Photography~ Autumn shoot
  • Velvet Storm Photography and Queen G makeup~ Vintage shoot Brighton
  • The Image Cellar~ Bridal shoot

Explore and Share

"A journey of a thousand miles....begins with a single step!"

You have got to embrace this life and explore while you can! After all, we only get one of these things called life!

Explore the world and share your travel stories with other BEllas along the way!... We'd LOVE to hear them!

What's been your greatest travel 'WOW' moment?

Is there something you collect from every destination you travel to?



Cuisine from around the world...

Food glorious food! ... They say that food is at the heart of a country.

It's true! On each of my adventures I have learnt so much about the importance of food to different cultures. 

There is something so special about the traditional recipes that have been passed through generations, dishes that have brought families together and that nations pride themselves on.

The colours and vibrancy of fresh food from different cultures is enough to get your taste buds tingling! 



"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do, than by the ones you did do, so

Throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour, catch the trade winds in your sails...

Explore. Dream. Discover"

~ Mark Twain


   Check out the latest Well-being articles, tackling key health and well-being issues.


Our latest ~ "How I overcame my fear of flying" - By Jessica Hatten
