Beach Bummin'!

Beach Bummin'!

Want to get that perfect beach bum ready for the summer!?

Determind to look good in that bikini, and lil black dress!?

For that perfect beach bum, here are my Top 5 easy-to-follow exercises to tone up that bum…


1. Side leg raises:

A brilliant exercise to help strengthen and tone the gluteal and hip flexor muscles.

20-30 leg raises on each leg, repeat this 3 times

  • Ensure your body is in alignment from head to toes.
  • Raise your top leg up and down
  • Use your core and glute muscles to support and control the action, making sure your body doesn’t rock forwards and backwards.

+ You can increase the intensity of the Side Leg Raise exercise, by using a band or cable and placing it around your legs (above the ankle) so not to place any additional stress on your ankle joints.

Repeat the leg raise action using resistance.



2. Classic lunges:

Classic lunges are so good for achieving perky bums. They are a really effective, lower body exercise that are functional and easy to perform.

The right technique is essential to maximise the benefits of doing lunge exercises!

10 lunges on each leg, repeat 3 times

  • Create an up and down motion.
  • Ensure your knee doesn’t go forward over your toe.
  • Keep your chest up and look forward.


3. The Bridge Exercise:

This is one of my favourite exercises! It uses core muscles alongside the gluteal muscles and there are so many ways to adapt the exercise to meet your fitness needs.

Hold the Bridge for 30 seconds, lower and rest for 10 seconds and repeat 2 more times

  • Press your feet to the floor.
  • Ensure your legs are a comfortable, natural width apart.
  • Keep knees and hips in alignment.
  • Arms at your side and palms facing the floor.
  • Raise your hips up to the ceiling, using core and glute muscles.
  • Squeeze your gluteal muscles at the top of the exercise.
  • hold and lower gently.

*You can hold the bridge exercise still or you can carry out pelvic thrust movements.


4. The Bridge Exercise with leg raised

You can increase the intensity of the Bridge exercise by raising one leg at a time.


5 reps, alternate legs and repeat 3 times

  • Using the Bridge exercise base, raise one leg, maintaining knee and hip alignment
  • Perform 5 pelvic thrust actions.
  • Gently lower and change legs.


5. Plank with leg raise

Using the traditional plank exercise, the leg raise helps to activate the glute muscles, whilst strengthening your core!

5 leg raise repetitions on each leg, repeat 3 times

  • Adopt the plank position Keeping a neutral neck and spine by creating a straight line from head to toe.
  • Maintaining weight in forearms and shoulders
  • Raise one leg upwards and slightly to the side.

*Be careful not to let the centre of your back to dip. Try to achieve a flat back. Squeeze your abdominal muscles.

*Use a mirror to check your positioning.


You can adapt the number of repetitions or the timings of each exercise, to meet your fitness goals!

You can achieve that bikini bum!