ModElla ~ #Confessions of a Grid Girl!

#Confessions of a Grid Girl

Ever wondered what it’s reeeally like to be a Grid Girl? Is it as glamourous as it appears? What’s it like having all those eyes and cameras on you as you walk out onto the grid? Is it fun getting your hair and makeup done by professionals?


#gridgirlchallenges ~

Where to start!?

From the early morning alarm (yes be prepared for the 4am alarm call)… #challenge1 #iwillbeamorningperson #itssoworthit

…to going into hair and makeup, the Grid Girl life is all GO! (like what I did there!?)

The sheer buzz of the hair and makeup room is incredible! The hairdresser is backcombing your hair ready for those perfect Victory Rolls or classic Beehive, the makeup artist is sticking on false eyelashes, amidst a sea of makeup and mirrors… I love it! The sound of chatting and the hiss of hairspray, the smell of coffee… let the fun begin!…and the truth…

#thetruth ~

So the truth is….

Being a Grid Girl is harder than it looks!

For the critics… I know what you’re thinking! I mean what can be SO hard? Walking in a line, holding a “pole”, standing still on the grid and then walking off… simple right!? #wrong

#gridgirlproblems ~

Walking out of step! #awkward!

Mastering the dreamy “in sync” walk is a Grid Girl essential skill! … gliding onto the grid in perfect formation, legs in time and hips swaying elegantly is key…just make it look effortless!…

But don’t be fooled this can go wrong…and when it goes wrong there is nothing left to do but resort to the all time classic techniques of ~ hop-skip, or double-step, or large-step, hop again, or, well anything to get back in time… SUBTLY. #ihopenumber7isntfollowingmyfeet


#gridgirltruths ~

The talk behind the smile… it’s true, we talk to each other when in line, even though we appear to be simply smiling… “My feet are killing”, “What are you doing with your feet!?”, “Is it front leg popped?”,  “Fitty to the left!”,  “Oh my goodness!” The ventriloquist talk is a Grid Girl MUST! Talk without moving that smile! #gridgirlessentialskills

#justkeepsmiling ~

Smiling continuously without displaying the classic grimace… is difficult! You’ve been smiling for what feels like hours… and now you can see the Grid Girl line is being shown on the TV screens ahead of you.. row 3..4..5..eeeek it’s me…just keep smiling!

Next…that moment the camera with the extra looong lense starts taking shots of your face… your lips genuinely start to shake, am I smiling!?, am I grimacing!? Can they see my lips shaking!? …. # gridgirlproblems

#battlingtheelements ~

(Whilst maintaining that perfect smile!)

Picture this… the rain is pouring, it’s 5 degrees and you are in a beautiful 50’s dress designed for a 30 degree summers day! …the shiver smile, resort to the shiver smile! #shiversmile

NEXT The wind is blowing a gale and you are carrying the lillopop… holding that thing against the wind is a challenge I tell you! Albeit a great triceps workout! (for more great triceps workout ideas see my BEllaTravElla Fitness section #plug).

#handonhip ~ 

Next… the hand on hip pose, I mean seriously, how can this one cause any problems?! Well… keeping your hand on your hip for 20 minutes without moving it… 20 times in a day, over 4 days… it’s a killer! The gap between your thumb and fingers goes numb, your wrist aches, your elbow hurts… I know right… more #gridgirlproblems

#shoes ~

The shoes! Omgeee the shoes! Walking elegantly in heels, standing with 1 legged popped and standing still for what feels like hours is a challenge… the prettier the shoes, it usually means the more pain we have to go through! #itsstillworthit #passtheplasters #nopainnogain

#gridgirldilemmas ~

More grid girl dilemmas include… being careful not to be papped at the wrong moment, the nose itch, the sneeze, the bra hoist, no moment is safe!

#gridgirlconfessions ~

Grid Girl Confessions (Vintage styley)~

#confession1 ~ We don’t wash our hair! 3 or 4 day vintage event… we don’t wash our hair! That backcombing and vintage styling will be effortless by day 4! The more hairspray that is left in the better!... #sorrynotsorry #thehairstylistwillthankme

#confession2 ~ We are definitely not as elegant and classy as we appear! Between the races, the shoes are off, the dresses are unzipped… we eat and eat and gossip and eat!

#confession3 ~ Panty liners under arms…for those #sweatpatchdilemmas… I have literally seen this happen!


So there it is… a lil’ glimpse of the Grid Girl #truths, #confessions and #problems! See not so easy!

BUT… It is AMAZING and so worth it! I just LOVE IT! From the electric atmosphere of the crowds, to the roar of car engines and the smell of petrol.

Having beautiful cars and bikes zoom past you as you take in the atmosphere… it is truly exhilarating!

It’s a feeling that can’t be described!


